Coffee Part III: More From Your Cup

What are some facts about coffee?

☕ Coffee has gained widespread popularity since it was first brewed in the 15th century.
☕ Coffee has had its ups and downs since its debut, from being banned by rulers and major religious leaders to being celebrated by hundreds of millions.1
☕ Today coffee is produced in 70 countries, but Brazil is the leading producer with over 40% of the world’s total coffee production.
☕ Despite its broad use and potential health benefits, coffee is not well regulated. There are no max pesticide residue requirements by EPA for imports. This is a growing concern given Brazil alone has increased pesticide use by 300% since 2000. How your coffee is being grown and processed is important because it can impact whether it enhances your health or hinders it.

Let’s explore all the good stuff a quality cup of Joe can bring to you.

The health benefits of coffee have been researched extensively

Over 19,000 studies have been conducted on coffee and health, yet most of these findings have yet to reach the general public. New studies are being conducted each day, adding to the body of scientific evidence indicating that 3-5 cups of coffee per day can have an astonishingly wide range of health benefits.

Studies show that the benefits of coffee can reduce the risks of chronic diseases:

☕ 30% reduced risk of Parkinson’s (Hernan et al 2002)2
☕ 24-40% decreased risk of type II diabetes (Ranheim & Halvorsen 2005) 2
☕ 30% decreased risk of congestive heart failure (Mostofsky et al, 2012) 2
☕ 22-25% decreased risk of stroke (Larsson & Orsini, 2011) 2
☕ 15% decreased risk of prostate cancer (Zhong et al 2014) 2
☕ 65% reduced risk of Alzheimer’s (Eskelinen et al 2009) 2
☕ 40% decreased risk of liver cancer (Bohn et al 2014) 2 

Coffee is a true superfood when it comes to health benefits

Studies show that coffee drinkers live longer overall and have a lower risk of premature death from any cause. Two large studies showed drinking coffee was associated with a 20% lower risk of death in men and a 26% lower risk of death in women, over a period of 18-24 years.3

If prevention of chronic illness isn’t enough of a reason to consider this superfood, here are some more benefits:

☕ Stimulation in brain function
☕ Boosted metabolism
☕ Enhanced performance
☕ Decreased rates of depression4

These benefits are mainly the result of high levels of antioxidants in well preserved coffee. Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee offer similar benefits to health due to their similar antioxidant levels.5

More than 70% of antioxidants consumed by Americans are consumed in their coffee. "Americans get more of their antioxidants from coffee than any other dietary source. Nothing else comes close," says study leader Joe Vinson, Ph.D., a chemistry professor at The University of Scranton. This is partly due to antioxidant concentration, but also due to the frequency of consumption. Since only 1 in 10 Americans gets the needed fruits and vegetables, coffee can be an important source of antioxidants.

So, what is true about current coffee habits?

Despite the far-reaching benefits of this beverage, coffee selection in America is rarely based on making a healthy choice. In reality, we prioritize convenience and marketing to drive decision making. Instant coffee or a quick drive-thru pick-me-up is unlikely to contain the same health benefits as other coffee sources. Since poor production practices can compromise the health attributes of coffee, being aware of the source of your coffee purchase can be a critical health choice. We encourage you to consciously choose your coffee and make it not just an enjoyable daily ritual, but one that further enhances your health.

There are many adverse effects and health risks associated with the toxins that are produced when growing, processing, storing and shipping coffee. These toxins include: Ochratoxin A, Acrylamide, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), which appear from improper production and sorting of coffee beans and roasting practices. On the other hand, some people may have a negative effect from the actual caffeine and particular acids naturally found in coffee.6

Possible adverse effects from drinking coffee

Caffeine - While naturally occurring and a key reason coffee is sought after, caffeine (from coffee or any other source) can increase nervousness, anxiety, jitters and restlessness. It can release the stress hormone cortisol, which can increase your blood pressure, heart rate and exacerbate anxiety.

Acids - The acidity of coffee can irritate the stomach and lining of the small intestine, particularly in people suffering from digestive issues such as ulcers, IBS, and Crohn’s disease. For some, the acidity in coffee beans can cause acid reflux or heartburn.

Why choose our coffee?

To maximize the benefits of drinking coffee, it is important to consume coffee that was brewed with care and health in mind. At Nutrition for Longevity, we offer an Organic Antioxidant Rich Coffee. This coffee is made with the finest and purest ingredients! Less that 1% of the world’s coffee beans meet the same rigorous standards for purity. When we drink coffee that was grown consciously, we are assured that we are avoiding the common toxins that basic coffee provides.



  1. National Coffee Association. (n.d.). Retrieved December 30, 2020, from
  2. Purity Coffee. Coffee & Health. Purity Coffee. 2019; Retrieved January 12, 2021 from
  3. Freedman N, Park Y, Abnet CC, Hollenbeck AR, and Sinha R. Association of Coffee Drinking with Total and Cause-Specific Mortality. N Engl J Med. 2012; 366:1891-1904, May 17, 2012, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1112010
  4. Lucas M, Mirzaei, F, Pan A, et al. Coffee, caffeine, and risk of depression among women. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2011; 171(17):1571-8. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2011.393.
  5. Loftfield E, Cornelis MC, Caporaso N, Yu K, Sinha R, Freedman N. Association of Coffee Drinking with Mortality by Genetic Variation in Caffeine Metabolism: Findings From the UK Biobank. JAMA Intern Med. 2018 Aug 1;178(8):1086-1097. DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.2425.
  6. Johnlockegoss, Says K., Katie, Says, A., Anne, Says, L. Weaver-Goss, S. (2020, December 03). Toxins in Coffee: How to Detox Your Morning Brew. Retrieved December 30, 2020, from