Fuel your body with delicious, heat & serve, balanced nutrition.

Farm fresh, Heat & Serve meal plans delivered right to your door within 48 hours of harvest from Nutrition for Longevity’s regenerative farm.

An Integrative Nutrition Solution — Integrate farm fresh, plant-powered meal plans seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Food that makes you feel good!

3 and 5 day Heat & Serve Meal Plans shipped to your door within 48 hours of harvest on our regenerative farm 

Each day includes Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and a Snack at 1200, 1600, and 2000 calories/day.  All meals are high in fiber, phytochemicals, healthy fats and lean protein. 

Our colorful whole food meals will nourish your body with essential nutrients that studies show, enhance longevity.  

Dietitians ready to help & consult.

Get all your nutrition questions answered before you get started.  Our Nutrition team will help you make the best meal plan choice that fits your health goals and lifestyle!  

Select your heat & serve meal plan

All meals based off The Longevity Diet, with no prep, no mess, just the good stuff.

What you can expect from every meal

Consistent nutrition is important, why not make it easy?

Over 25 grams of fiber per day

Help drive a healthy gut microbiome with ample fiber to fuel for your gut.

More than 6 servings of fruits & veggies per day

Give your body 6 servings per day with a broad rainbow of phytonutrients.

Under 10% of total calories from saturated fat

A balanced Diet of healthy fat, gluten free grains, and clean produce.

Be the 1 in 10 that gets their needed servings of fruits & veggies!